All club members are welcome to attend meetings of the Board. At this time the Board of Directors has been conducting meetings via Zoom. Contact our president if you would like to participate in an upcoming Zoom board meeting.
Perry has been president for several years and provides leadership and direction for the club.
Paula performs the duties of the president in his/her absence and manages/coordinates activities in preparation for the annual All-Chevy Show.
Dave coordinates club events and encourages members to become involved with leading and participating in events.
Eli oversees and manages advertising accounts and coordinates the acquisition of prizes for the All-Chevy Show.
Frank collects membership dues annually and maintains a current list of members.
Susie regularly updates the Facebook pages and assists with the club's Web page and newsletter.
Lory receives articles, information and pictures from the general membership for submission in the monthly newsletter.
Mick maintains a running tally of points earned by members as they participate in club activities and events.
Mark records minutes for all Board meetings, distributes them to members of the Board and assists with annual election of officers.
Judy receives all monies for deposit in the club's account, issues payments as necessary and reports accurate financial records monthly to the Board.
Bill regularly updates the STCC Web Page and processes inquires. He provides monthly updates to the Board concerning the Web Page.